Sunday, December 31, 2006

What's So Special about New Years?

This morning I was noticing my thoughts - little stresses about my plans for the evening... Whether I would create sufficient memories to savor for years to come, if I would be able to come up with the perfect New Year's resolutions by midnight, and if these resolutions would be profound enough to change the outcome of the upcoming year...etc. etc. etc.

And then I started to laugh an my own internal silliness. I've had this moment of amusement several times in my life, and have (more often than not) found holidays to be a bit absurd. Not that I have anything at all against parties or having an amazing celebratory day. But since childhood I've found it puzzling why we would wait an entire year to celebrate only ONE "birthday", or ONE New Years, or ONE Christmas, or ONE Mother's Day... Why wait 364 days to blow out some candles and eat our weight in cake? Why slosh through 12 months just to spend 1 minute throwing confetti, drink champagne and kissing at midnight? Why not EVERY day? What keeps us from waking up every single day and throwing a party? Why are we always waiting and waiting and waiting for the time that's socially acceptable to shout our own greatness to the world or to appreciate our very existence?

So on this New Years, I'm going to celebrate! Celebrate with gusto, passion and cheers! But tomorrow, I only hope that I'll do the same (perhaps not outwardly, but at least inwardly). Simply for the fact that I'm alive. I have this very moment. I can create the most amazing possibilities with the gift of 24 magical hours. And an ordinary day is far from ordinary for me, and is FAR too precious to let slip by without at least a smile and a big YIPPPEEEEE!!!!!

How will YOU celebrate each and every day this year? Give yourself that gift....

Wishing all of you the happiest day ever! (and many, many more...)

© 2006 Stephanie McWilliams

Saturday, December 30, 2006

Using Judgements as Internal Guidance

This week I had a few "less than savory" moments. Thoughts that I'm not too proud of. Behavior that made me think "Have I actually come very far?"...

Have you ever had days like this? If you're human, I'm sure you're nodding yes...

But after years of self-reflection (and even more years of judgemental thinking), I've come to see that these darker moments can be the most amazing gifts, if looked at in just the right light.

When I stop and take a closer look at a handful of my thoughts from this past week...

• My boyfriend shouldn't be so negative
• New York is an intense and stressful city
• I should weigh less and stop eating so much
• My friend should see that her actions are keeping her stuck in negative patterns
• My brother shouldn't be so obnoxious

...and I turn them around...

• I shouldn't be so negative
• I am an intense and stressful person (sometimes)
• My thinking should weigh less (or be lighter)
• I should see that my actions are keeping me stuck in negative patterns (sometimes)
• I shouldn't be so obnoxious by judging my brother

...then I get the amazing opportunity to make a change in my thinking, which is the only thing I really have any control over in this world. When I hold a judgement about someone else, in that very moment I AM being exactly what I'm judging them for. In the moment I'm seeing someone as hateful, I am being hateful. When I see someone as negative, I am being negative. I am doing exactly what I'm wanting THEM not to do. And in that realization I have the opportunity to join with them and feel compassion.

People will continue to do what they do. I can try and try and try some more to change the people in my life, but at the end of the day it always comes back to me. If I think it's so easy for people to change, how about starting with me? How about being a teacher of all the things I'm expecting people to do? How about living what we expect others to live?

I've come to a very VERY humbling compassion for humanity when I've done these "turn arounds". And perhaps everyone is doing the very best they could. And perhaps my own brain is giving me all the tools I'd ever need to create a more peaceful, loving human being right here inside THIS body, THIS mind.

All I know is, if I want peace on the planet, let it start with me. Let me walk my talk. Let me live my own "turn-arounds". Let me do all the things I'm expecting others to do. Let me be a more compassionate and loving human being, just for the simply selfish fact that it FEELS good inside to do so.

What "turn-around" could YOU live today?

(visit for more information)

© 2006 Stephanie McWilliams

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Welcome to the first edition of the "My Cup of Chi" Blog, a special place to share your tips, inspirations, creativity or questions.

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