Friday, January 5, 2007

Are YOU in Season?

I got an email from my dear friend Pam this afternoon... She knows me extremely well. And knows my extreme nature.

She so wisely said, "friendly reminder - make sure you're taking some down time to recharge—especially now as it's the winter months where we should be a bit slower so we don't burn out come spring, but rather spring to life!"

Yes, this week I've pulled some pretty long hours, and burned the midnight oil more times than I care to admit. But I can feel a quiet little whisper from inside my cells. They want a slower pace, more late mornings, warm, heavy, grounding foods and a more introspective approach to life.

Living in this modern, industrialized world where our environments are climate-controlled, our foods are shipped from around the planet, and technology allows us to work anywhere, anytime, it's quite easy to get unplugged from the natural rhythm of nature. It's only been in the past 60 or so years that our biochemistry has been subjected to an onslaught of unnatural influences, and sometimes it can be refreshing to take a nice big step back and take a look at our lives from a biological, rather than intellectual, perspective.

If our schedules, careers and obligations were of no consequence, how do you imagine your body would enjoy spending the winter months? The spring? And the summer? How about the fall? Do you think your body would enjoy heavier foods or lighter foods this season? How much sleep is your body wanting? What colors feel the best to wear? How could you make small changes to better accommodate these inner urges?

It may be a foreign concept for you to think about the "energy" of a season, or a food, or a color. It was for me as well... But I've come to see a real and profound connection here. We consume the energy around us, literally and figuratively.

Are you full of nervous energy, and walking around like a chicken without a head? Perhaps cutting back on your chicken consumption for a few weeks, and adding more beef or root vegetables would be an interesting experiment... Are you feeling sluggish, lifeless and "blah"? Perhaps some spicy foods, lemon water and bright green leafy veggies would put a spring back in your step...

Also consider changing your bedding with the seasons, or liven things up by moving the furniture each time the leaves change a new color... Tune in to that small (and oh-so-wise) inner voice that knows exactly what's best for you at any given time.

This week I plan to:
• get 9 hours sleep each night
• make a rich, hearty soup for my dinners
• start my mornings slower—with a warm cup of tea, my journal and some quality cat-time

What 1 change could you make this week to help you honor yourself this winter season? Put your hand on your gut... Ask yourself from a deep inner place what it is that you need in this moment.

Trust yourself. Be gentle with yourself. In the stillness of your mind, you have all the answers...

©2007 Stephanie McWilliams

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