Wednesday, January 10, 2007

Riding the Rollercoaster of Life

I've often wondered how the world works. And from my past 20+ years of contemplation with little tangible info to show for it, I may very well never know. But being an artist at heart, I always get the same distinct image when I imagine the inner workings of the Universe:

Life as a roller coaster. An ever-unfolding amusement ride—all the bumps, curves, turns and twists all laid out before us. But the real question is, how are you going to take the trip?

I've watched a lot of people in my life. And I've come to the conclusion that there are two distinct personality types: the "White-Knucklers" and the "Hands-Uppers". The Hands-Uppers are a colorful lot, riding through life with the wind in their hair, smiles on their faces, and arms stretched to the sky. The White-Knucklers are a bit different, though. They've got a death-grip on the safety bar of life, and are unfortunately puking on themselves at every turn... It's the same track, the same ride, yet some people take the trip much differently than others. Fear. It's a funny what it'll do to ya...

So how does fear take the fun out of YOUR ride? What one thing could you do in this moment that would get your hands up off the safety bar?

White-Knuckler, or Hands-Upper— which one will you be today?

©2007 Stephanie McWilliams

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