Wednesday, January 3, 2007

The Rubber Band Approach to Enlightenment

There's a belief I have... It was taught to me by my first and most significant mentor. It's the belief that our lives are made up of only 3 things:

1. Our bodies
2. Our minds or belief systems
3. Our physical environment

Through her teaching, I've come to clearly see that these three areas of life are dynamically interconnected. If a change is made to any one of these areas, then the other two areas must follow accordingly. Like a rubber band being pulled outward in one direction, the tension of the movement creates energy that naturally forces the rest of the band to come along for the ride! And as we too well know, if we don't allow the rubber band to move naturally with that movement and tension, it eventually snaps back with a regretful sting and a even louder "OUCH!"

Think of someone who's lost lots of weight: this shift to their physical body most always generates a positive shift in their beliefs about themselves, and quite often an upgrade in their living environment.

And consider someone who's had a profound experience where their beliefs are forever changed... Quite often these people then begin cherishing their bodies, and appreciating their external world in a whole new way.

Or what about someone who goes from poverty to living a life of opulence? It so often is followed by heightened feelings of entitlement, abundance and joy, and once again a deeper appreciating for their health and well being.

This is exactly why I find Feng Shui such a profoundly powerful art. It can be challenging sometimes to make changes in our belief systems. We all know this... Especially when it comes to deeply rooted or long-held beliefs. And quite often it can be challenging to change our health, eating or exercise habits. But through Feng Shui and the art of spatial enhancement, simply a change of furniture, color, and beauty in our surroundings can give a huge yank to our spiritual rubber bands. It can catapult us into places we only dreamed to travel. I'm a living example of this very concept....

So think twice when rearranging your living room, or clearing out a closet. You may be making a change that's much, much deeper than you'll ever know.


©2007 Stephanie McWilliams

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