Friday, December 14, 2007


I was so moved to receive this email, and wanted to share it with all of you. Thank you to this writer, as well as all the rest of you out there that are changing your lives, becoming more loving, opening yourselves to vulnerabilities and possibilities, and overall becoming fabulous, wonderful people! Cheers to you all....

6 months ago I got engaged. 3 months ago I moved from my single-gal apartment of five years--a place I loved, painted and charmed to my own personal perfection--into a new apartment in a lovely neighborhood, with the promise of room for my soon-to-be husband and soon-to-be life. One month ago I got married and my new husband moved in. My first roommate in at least 6 years. And a boy, no less! And just 4 days ago I turned 30.

A lot of change.

The energy is this new place is all out of whack. His boxes (and things) are everywhere and we're having such a time joining our lives and possessions. Not to mention, we're living in half of an old Victorian house, with great high ceilings--the same ceilings that gave the illusion of much more space. We are cramped! Only two bedrooms, one of which is his office--with his files littering the hallway as he gets organized, and my clothes desperately short on closet space. I've still not taken the time to pull out my paper and make my diagram and figure out where the energy is going, where each area falls, and what I can do to keep things moving gently. The place feels crazy (and so do we).

All of this is simply to explain how I found you! We were watching HGTV when Fun Shui came on the screen. I haven't had cable in years, and Darren knows how much I love that stuff, so we kept the channel in its place and watched the episode where you worked with the actors on their dining room. I got online to find you because I so loved the painting you did for them, I was hoping I could commission one for Darren and me. (I still haven't found the answer to that question!) It was so lovely. I loved the figures, the golden colors, and the couple intertwined with the crown all alongside. We're both trying to make progress in our careers, gain fame and good reputation, yet our bond to one another is at the center of it all. You're so incredibly talented!

So leads me to your bio. Your bio leads me to evolving arts. Evolving arts leads my to My Cup of Chi. And suddenly I'm absorbed in your blog and facing all of the issues and energies that I have cast away in this last six months of drastic life change. My relationship with food, same as you, same as nearly every woman I know--has resurfaced as a means of dealing with the continued stress. (And complete identity struggle. Who am I now?) My spiritual connection to God, naturally, is inversely related. Food up, God down. And even an issue I was trying to pretend had nothing to do with me was tossed right in my path through your post of Byron Katie's video.

So in effect I am only writing to say thank you. it's been a while since I've been reminded of the simple beauty in following a trail your heart sends you down. Each post I stopped on was exactly what I needed when I needed it. And as a result I'm inspired to ditch the clutter--in our new home, in my heart, in my health--and clean it all out to create a clear channel to God again.

Maybe you know it, maybe you don't, maybe sometimes you forget--but your collection of your thoughts makes a genuine difference to people you've never even met before.
I thought you should know. Be reminded!
— Fun Shui Fan"

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