Thursday, November 1, 2007


Holistic Nutrition – Nourishing the Whole You!
with Pamela Rich, HHC

Did you know that it’s not just what you eat, but
how you eat that affects whether food and its nutrients
are being digested properly?!

That’s right – many things go into how the food we
eat affects our overall Chi. If we eat in a stressed
state – on the run, in the car, standing at the counter–
our sympathetic nervous system shuts down our
digestion and metabolism. This can really “weigh”
(no pun intended!) on our Chi.

So what do we do to make sure our food is fueling
our good energy and keeping us healthy and happy –
SLOW DOWN! Take a few deep breaths before eating.
This will take everything down a notch allowing your
digestion to get turned back on.

Guiding you to a healthier life!
Pamela Rich
Holistic Health Counselor
Board Certified, AADP

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